Telling it to you straight.

by Belinda Rosenblum

Do you ever wish someone would just tell it to you straight when it comes to growing and scaling a sustainable business in 2024 and beyond?

Let’s face it, the online space is noisy and it can make weeding out the good advice from the bad pretty difficult. 

But if you know me, then you know I’m all about cutting through the noise to share what works… and just as importantly, what doesn’t. 

If you’re feeling stuck or not sure how to grow from where you are now to where you want to be, then there are 3 BIG myths and misconceptions that you need to know about (so you can avoid these traps and focus on what’s really important!). 

Let’s bust those myths today so that you can give your attention to the strategies and actions that will actually move the needle in your business! 

Myth #1 – You just need to build your email list, then you’ll make more sales and grow your business.

The Truth: If you don’t have the right offer before you build your list, and you’re not clear on exactly who it is you’re serving and what they need, then you end up attracting the wrong people who aren’t a good fit or ready to buy.

Make sure you know WHO you’re trying to sell to with the RIGHT offers, then get strategic about attracting them to your list. 

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It’s definitely a wild ride!

by Belinda Rosenblum

Entrepreneurship is a wild ride, and anyone who tells you that it’s always easy or simple is either very lucky, or giving you a sugar coated version of reality. 

Just this weekend, I was working on Saturday because we have A LOT happening, including a new invite-only live training tomorrow. Plus our new-and-improved Cash Flow CEO opens the first week of June!

I polled the 100+ people that watched my stories, and 100% of respondents said they *do* work on the weekends, 73% with a “sometimes” and 27% said “Yes all the time!” 

BUT if you believe the highlight reel portrayed on IG, you’ll feel more shame for working & think we all “should” be unplugged, sipping mimosas on the beach every weekend. 

Here’s the truth…

When you’re growing your business, or right in the messy middle of scaling for more reliable profit that actually funds your life & goals, it can be like a roller coaster of ups and downs. 

Every day seems to fly by, and you’re left feeling time strapped and still working too many hours. 

You’re wondering how you can possibly find more hours to serve more clients, make more money, and break through that income ceiling you keep hitting. 

Or you’re feeling overwhelmed and second guessing yourself. You’re SO ready for your breakthrough year, but you’re just not sure what your right next steps need to be so you can make that happen. 

Anxiety and uncertainty keep coming up as you try to figure out how to prioritize everything that seems to need your attention. 

You ask yourself at least once a day if you’re really cut out for this. 

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Rebooting your momentum

by Belinda Rosenblum

The eclipse is over (but that was fun!) and now it’s back to business as usual…

Spring is here and amazingly, the 2nd quarter is off and running.

We set big goals a few months ago when the new year started, but there’s something that often starts to happen as spring rolls around…

We get so busy and in the weeds of the everyday work that we lose touch with the bigger WHY of what we’re doing.

This ¼ way point in the year is a great time to reconnect with why you started this whole business thing in the first place. 

I took some time recently to get quiet, plan, and reconnect with my own “why”. You know, the not-so-obvious motivations that keep me passionate about putting my all into my business. 

Things like:

  • Having a business that’s “life-proofed” so it can make money when I’m not working 24/7, so that even when life throws an unexpected curveball, my livelihood and family’s needs aren’t at risk. A breast cancer diagnosis in 2022 was a wake up call that brought this one home for me big time. (I’m doing great now btw!)

  • Being a role model for our kids, showing them that you can be a great Mom AND enjoy your growing business. Sometimes it’s a bit of magic and mess at the same time, but really no, you don’t have to choose.

  • Helping other female business owners not only thrive financially but also be unapologetically their full selves, enjoying both success in their businesses AND their personal lives. (We need to shift the current stats that only 12% of female owned businesses have more than $100k in revenue/ year and only 2% achieve $1M in revenue/ year. Hint: It’s not that we need to work harder)

  • Helping women to professionalize their offerings and be able to articulate their value so they can finally start charging enough and own their worthiness in the marketplace.

  • Having the time and financial flexibility to live life on my own terms, and showing others that they can do that too. (After my second full year in business when I created $155k in revenue and only $2k in profit, I personally found out the hard way that you can’t just focus on revenue to get there. Now I’m so motivated to not have other women go through that painful experience too!)

I’m willing to bet that your reasons and mine for why we do what we do have some similarities.

Wanting to make an impact in the world, forge our own path, and create our own financial and time independence are often part of the shared entrepreneurial DNA.

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Check out me on a skateboard!

by Belinda Rosenblum

As entrepreneurs, doing things outside of the box kind of comes with the territory…

Like riding your daughter’s skateboard while holding a sign to share a fun message on IG! (If you haven’t seen the post yet, you can check it out here.)

But that willingness can sometimes have us spinning our wheels and doing TOO many things in our business.

We have an innate sense of what is and isn’t a good idea on a daily basis in our regular life — like not crossing a busy street without looking both ways, or not driving a car while wearing a blindfold.

When it comes to business though, we don’t always see quite so clearly. 

We can end up spinning our wheels on activities that keep us “busy” but not making enough progress for all that time spent.

After 16+ years of helping business owners maximize their profit potential and business growth, I have a good idea of what the most common entrepreneurial stumbling blocks are, oftentimes because I’ve had to work through so many myself.

The real challenge though is that these blocks are often hiding behind our business blindspots. It’s not like you’re intentionally telling yourself, “I want to stay stuck at this revenue level.”

But at the same time, with no plan in place or roadmap to follow, you’ll stay stuck at that same place (for years!).

And when you do try to break through, you often end up doing too much or chasing the next shiny trend rather than following the more direct path to reaching your revenue and business goals.
If you’ve been following me for a while, then you know I’m all about helping female business owners like you create a real profit PLAN and a system to ensure not just growth, but financial stability as well.  [click to continue…]